SP Simms
Just before showtime at the now defunct Renaissance Cafe on the Danforth, I received a call from my friend Merle, who apologized for not being there, but did I want to be in a play that she was in? A play! I hadn't set foot on a theatrical stage in years, and was missing it.  
So I read for Maya Toman the director, and got the part. Maya and I became chums quickly, and she asked me if I had any music which we could use for scene changes and intermission. I came up with a few tunes, and two of them are in this collection.
Then I heard Maya singing some songs from the Republic of Georgia with two other women, and the resonance of her voice gave me chills. It still does.
Over the next couple of years we expanded our repertoire, playing at cafes, pubs, and various events on the Toronto Islands. I invited her to bring her violin and voice to some of the shows I do for Seniors, and to Saturday mornings at St. Lawrence Market. Her facility with languages got me to take my own love of language learning more seriously, including my own Welsh heritage. Finally we got around to recording some of the stuff that gives us joy, and with help from Bob, Vezi, and Ed, here it is! (Steve Paul)
GRATITUDE is due to the many people who helped make this project possible, and especially Martin MasonGrant, Linda Lucas, Derek Simms, Catherine O'Donnell, M.C. Mayo, Brian and Diane Wastle, Becci Hayes, Joan Brennan, Nadine Demoe, Gundega Irene Melli, and Loren Hicks.
Maya would like to honour some people for their encouragement and the inspiration to pursue her talents: Bob Ezrin, Joso Spralja, Stefan Ciotlos, and Eric Blau. Not to mention Katharine Hepburn, Sophia Loren, and Lucille Ball.
Thanks to Bette Forester for big help with the CD layout and typesetting.
A salute to The Tranzac Club for years of faith and indulgence.
Huge thanks from SP & Maya to Linda for a hundred and one reasons. We love you.
Maya T
Weather was to blame, and to be exalted, in forming our duo of SP Simms and me. Some years ago, my ability to play sweet violin was nixed due to a serious injury after slipping on ice on my street, while going to a CBC shoot in the City. Even three years later I could scarcely play 'Twinkle twinkle' on my violin. My inner drive turned to creating Scaramouche Theatre Company, for which I translated/directed/ performed in, two of Carlo Goldoni's Commedia dell' Arte plays, as well as choosing  St-Stephen-in-the-Fields Church in Toronto's Kensington area for a historic and beautiful production of "The Lion in Winter".
Following was a production at The Rhino in Toronto's Queen St, West area. I was casting a challenging role for an actor in a play within one of three one act plays which I titled "Menage of Three by Tennessee". Our mutual friend and superb actress, Merle Matheson, suggested SP Simms.  The rest is our musical history. He aced the audition and rocked the role.
I thank SP for challenging me to pick up my beloved fiddlededee again. (Maya)
Steve Paul Simms in "Menage of Three by Tennessee" directed by Maya Toman

Na Bembasu
(Traditional, Bosnian)
Kad ja podjoh na Bembasu, na Bembasu na vodu
Ja poveoh bijelo jagnje, bijelo jagnje sa sobom-
Sve devojke Bembasanke na kapidjik stojahu,
Samo moja mila draga na demirli pendjeru
Ja njoj rekoh ,
"Dobro vecer. Dobro vecer, djevojko"
Ona meni, "Doj do vecer, doj vo vecer, dilberce"
Ja ne odoh isto vecer, vec ja odoh sutra dan.
Drugog dana, moja draga, za drugog se udala.
(translation by Maya Toman)
When I set forth to Bembasa, to Bembasa to the river,
I took with me a white lamb, a white lamb along with me.
All the young ladies of Bembasa were standing at the gate.
Only my darling one was at the iron window.
I said to her, "Good evening, Good evening, young lady,"
And she said to me, "Come this night, come to me this night, my love,"
I did not go that very evening, instead I went the following night.
The next night, my darling was wed to another.
Maya Toman – lead vocal
Steve Paul Simms – guitar, vocal
Bob Cohen – bass
La Llorona
[in Spanish, traditional]
Todos me dicen el negro, Llorona, negro, pero carinoso.(x2)
Yo soy como el chile verde, Llorona, picante, pero sabroso (x2)
Ay, de mí, Llorona, Llorona de ayer y hoy (x2)
Ayer, maravilla fui, Llorona, y ahora ni sombra soy (x2)
Dicen que no tengo duelo, Llorona, porque no me ven llorar (x2)
Hay muertos que no hacen ruido, Llorona, y es más grande su penar (x2)
Ay, de mí, Llorona, Llorona de azul celeste (x2)
Y aunque me cueste la vida, Llorona, no dejaré de quererte! (x2)
'The Weeping Woman' (original translation by Maya Toman)
Everyone tells me I am gloomy, Llorona, that I am dark, but yet I am loving
I am like the green chili pepper, Llorona, spicy, and yet very savoury
Alas, my Llorona, Llorona of days gone by, and of the here and now--
In the past, I was a marvel to behold, and today, am not even a shadow of my yesterday
They say that I do not grieve, Llorona, because they do not see me weeping
There are the dead who make no sound, Llorona, and yet their torment is that much greater
Ah, my Llorona, Llorona of a celestial Blue--
Even though it costs me my life, Llorona, I will never stop loving you.
Maya Toman – lead vocal, palmas
Steve Paul Simms – guitar, vocal
Bob Cohen – acoustic bass guitar
Play for Time
by Steve Paul Simms
Play for time
She could always change her mind
She may just be running scared
Give her time to get prepared
After all
It'll do no harm to stall
Don't pretend you just don't care
Who knows what you might have there?
Casual words, indifferent smile
All in the sacred name of style
You'll have to wager more than that, my friend
Don't let your love walk out the door
Don't place your bets on Evermore
You may just have to win the day
You may just have to play for time
Loving well
Falling under someone's spell
Singing every song for her
Other faces start to blur
She is all
She's an empire's rise and fall
She's a brand new pair of shoes
She's the joy inside the blues
But in a wink she might be gone
And in the naked light of dawn
You know you'll never feel that way again
Declare your love and do it now
Play out your heart and take your bow
And if she still goes on her way
It didn't hurt to play for time
Steve Paul Simms – vocals, 6- and 12-string guitars
Maya Toman – violin
Vezi Tayyeb – organ, piano
Bob Cohen – bass, tambourine
Watchin' the Wind Blow
by Steve Paul Simms
Watchin' the wind blow
What we're doin' is we're
Watchin' the wind blow
And it's blowin' very hard today
Yes, it's blowin' very hard
Summer's gone again
Pack up all the pretty women and men
Time to button up your overcoat
Weather's gettin' loud
What's that I hear?
Somethin' rumblin' up through the air
Just a little rain
Just another little hurricane
Watchin' the wind blow ...
Wash away the pain
Can you cover every mountain and plain?
Can you make it like it was before -
When the world began?
Floatin' along
On a river runnin' over with song
Only you and me
Let it be how it was meant to be
Watchin' the wind blow ...
What can you teach me and how can you reach me and
Why worry anyhow?
Travel beside me and try to abide me
It's all just beginning now
Summer's gone again ...
Steve Paul Simms – vocal, guitar
Maya Toman – pizzicato violin
Vezi Tayyeb – keyboard
Bob Cohen - bass
by Joseph Parry and Richard Davies (Welsh, 1875)
Paham mae dicter, O Myfanwy,
Yn llenwi'th lygaid duon di?
A'th ruddiau tirion, O Myfanwy,
Heb wrido wrth fy ngweled i?
Pa le mae'r wên oedd ar dy wefus
Fu'n cynnau 'nghariad ffyddlon ffôl?
Pa le mae sain dy eiriau melys,
Fu'n denu'n nghalon ar dy ôl?
Myfanwy boed yr holl o'th fywyd
Dan heulwen ddisglair canol dydd.
A boed i rosyn gwridog iechyd
I ddawnsio ganmlwydd ar dy rudd.
Anghofia'r oll o'th addewidion
A wneist i rywun, 'ngeneth ddel,
A dyro'th law, Myfanwy dirion
I ddim ond dweud y gair "Ffarwél".
(Wikipedia translation)
Why is it anger, O Myfanwy,
That fills your eyes so dark and clear?
Your gentle cheeks, O sweet Myfanwy,
Why blush they not when I draw near?
Where is the smile that once most tender
Kindled my love so fond, so true?
Where is the sound of your sweet words
That drew my heart to follow you?
Myfanwy, may you spend your lifetime
Beneath the midday sunshine's glow,
And on your cheeks O may the roses
Dance for a hundred years or so.
Forget now all the words of promise
You made to one who loved you well
Give me your hand, my sweet Myfanwy,
But once last time, to say Farewell.
Steve Paul Simms – vocal, guitar
Ed Roth – accordion
Bob Cohen - bass
Cold Black Night
by Steve Paul Simms & Maureen O'Donnell
I know a man whose words are silver
There is no earthly grace he lacks
But when he's sung his song so tender
There is no one can find his tracks
And if my heart were made of crystal
It could not break more easily
And if my eyes were clear as diamonds
There is no more they'd want to see
All through the cold black night
Love takes its silent toll
And though I try to fight
Stubborn tears fall
There have been times of pure contentment
Pleasures I've passed without a care
And of the rain that fell between them
Lord only knows I've had my share
But only love has overwhelmed me
Lifted me up and tossed me round
Carried me high upon its shoulders
Shattered me hard upon the ground
All through my days I feel his presence
Walking beside me as I go
Sharing my thoughts just like the lover
Who used to feel my ebb and flow
At the next turn I'll try to lose him
Shaking him from my reverie
But then I look at my reflection
And it is through his eyes I see
Maya Toman – lead vocal
Steve Paul Simms – guitar, mandolin, vocal
Bob Cohen – bass, 8-string ukulele
Vezi Tayyeb – piano, tambourine
by Steve Paul Simms
Karin, Karin, Karin
I know the sorrows you've seen
Come lay your head on my breast
And leave your pride for the rest
These lines that furrow your brow -
Is that what worries you now?
We're twice as old as we were, Karin
And no more wise
Karin, Karin, Karin
Where have your memories been?
Are you recalling the boy
Who filled your future with joy?
His young intentions were good
He did the best that he could
His ship was wrecked in the night, Karin
Of no more lies
On the Rue de Regret
Clowns forever colliding
On the road of regret
We will no more go riding
Dans la Rue de Regret
Lives are lost
Karin, Karin, Karin
When you were only nineteen
There was no shadow behind
No fear to poison your mind
How were you ever misused?
Somehow your spirit got bruised
Now nothing else looks as sweet, Karin
To those sad eyes
Karin, Karin, Karin
Don't cry for what might have been
The things that never got done
The gold that never got spun
Young girls untroubled and free
Are half as lovely to me
As all the living I see, Karin
In your sad eyes
In the valley of dreams
Fools colliding forever
In the valley of dreams
No one ever says never
In the valley of dreams
We will dance
Steve Paul Simms – guitar, vocal
Bob Cohen – bass, 8-string ukulele
Maya Toman – violin
Ed Roth - accordion
For the Rest of My Years
by Steve Paul Simms
The first dawn of Springtime is on the horizon
The first buds have burst on the tree
As I stand and I gaze out across the blue water
At Alison sailing to me
How long have I sat in the kitchen without her
The tea kettle whistling away?
For the touch of a woman's hand soft on my shoulder
I've waited too many a day
So lie down beside me, my darling
For an hour, for a day, for the rest of my years
And the sound of our laughter will ring through the hillside
And drown out a lifetime of cares
The streets of Toronto are still full of wonders
But not many more will I roam
For my heart's true companion is calling me over
And only with him am I home
Steve Paul Simms – 6- and 12-string guitars, vocal
Maya Toman – violin, vocal
Bob Cohen – 8-string ukulele, bass
Ed Roth - accordion